Sunday, August 28, 2011

Check out the next generation of poets and authors in action...

We have been working on making boring sentences more interesting by adding descriptive details and thinking carefully about our choice of words.

We started with a boring sentence...

'The dragon flew across the sky.'

After Room 15 employed their lyrical skills the sentence had been transformed...

Bob, the fat, flabby dragon, slowly glided across the sunset down by the ocean, heading for a crash landing.

Emerald dragons soared through waves and sky, darting around fluffy white clouds and sparkling with mischief.

An elegant dragon flew gracefully across the calm sky.
Liam M.

As the gleaming emerald scales of a majestic dragon moved across the field of soft pink and gold lights that was the sunset, the horizon was slowly put into shadow.

The dark green dragon stupidly flew into a movie set.
Liam F.

A gorgeous green dragon shined like jade as it flew through a cloudless sky.
The flame red dragon flew along the horizon with the fiery colours of sunset behind him.
An elegant dragon the colour of snow stood out as it flew through the dark night sky.

The wise, kind dragon flew gently and joyfully across the moonlit sky.
Charlotte W.

Zooming across the sky at full speed, the aqua coloured dragon breathed pink marshmallows down on people who looked like ants.

Zig-Zag Zoom! A young, black dragon flashed through the soft fluffy clouds way up in the magical sky.

Like a rocket the small black dragon streaked across the midnight sky.
Charlotte B.

The dragon was shooting across the night sky, red with anger and rage.
Henry B.

The amazing green dragon flew down from the moonlit sky.
Grace O.

Quickly the crazy emerald sea-dragon zoomed like lightening across the slowly darkening sky and splashed into the sea towards its den.

It was midnight and the moon shone brightly through the clouds as a gentle, jade dragon glided gracefully through the pale moonlit night.

The young dragons emerald scales flashed and glittered in the moonlight as he zigzagged drunkenly through the night after an evening's partying.

Suddenly the fierce dragon spun like a whirlpool through the unwanted sky.

The grumpy, old, red dragon went zooming across the lush green grass heading for a landing.

One giant, beastly dragon gently glided while camouflaged with the beautiful blue sky.
Henry H.

The dumb blue dragon flew into an old tree on a rainy day.

Lily, the little dragon, silently followed her mother across the stormy sky toward their den.
Grace A.

The big, fat, ugly and stupid dragon soared across the dark black sky.

Only a quick red wisp of colour could be seen as the majestic dragon took flight.

As the dragon sped across the dark winter sky, thunder crashed in his ears.

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